Professional Registration

Professional Qualifications: B.Pty (University of Queensland, (1995), MSc (Cardiff University, 2011).​ 

Member of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Reg No 073174

Registered with the Health Professionals Council Reg No PH51958  ​

Disclosure: All patient information, images, videos and examples of cases on here are written with full consent of the patient. 

Disclaimer: Whilst I am a Chartered Physiotherapist, I do not endorse or promote any specific brand or product in a professional capacity. My opinions on products are my own and are based on my professional and personal experiences. Online information and blogs do not substitute for clinical diagnosis and management. In the case of health care concerns or persistent pain, consulting a GP or relevant health care professional is advised.  

GDPR and patient confidentiality: for Policies relating to GDPR and patient  confidentiality please contact me directly. 

Data and Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is to advise that Claire Callaghan, Chartered Physiotherapist, is compliant with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules. These rules mean that I am required to inform clients and representatives of my privacy terms to ensure that you understand how, when and why I may need and use your personal information.
I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office to ensure that I fully comply with all current and future requirements of data protection legislation.
Any personal details you share on paper will be kept securely; reasonable attempts will be made to ensure identifiable data is protected e.g. use of initialsI obtain personal data to enable me to comply with legal requirements in relation to your
occupational therapy assessment and treatment.
I will not share your information with third parties other than in arranging product trials or visits
where you have given prior consent or when writing to medical professionals on your behalf. The only information held by a third party are the names and email addresses of those who contact me via my website or those who subscribe to my newsletters. This data is held by Squarespace and subject to their data protection policies.

I request that all subscribers tick to acknowledge that they are happy with this and they can unsubscribe at any time, at which time their data will be removed from all data bases.

Information will be archived for my company auditing and accounting purposes.
Therapy assessment and treatment records will be kept on a secure cloud based system. Where records have been printed these will be kept in a secure, locked filing cabinet.
Clinical notes will be kept for 8 years in keeping with Health Care Professional Council guidelines.

Personal details stored by will include:
1. Name & Date of Birth
2. Address & Contact numbers/email
3. Client information sheet including history of current issues, other health professionals involved in your care and other information you wish to share.
Should you decide you do not wish to proceed with an assessment, these details will not be kept on file and will be deleted or destroyed.

Should you agree to the terms and conditions and commence therapy input the following information
will be collected:

Medical History including medication
Details of GP and other health professionals involved in your care
History of current issue and treatment to date
Family details relevant to your care and therapy
Employment details as relevant to your therapy
Details of your occupational therapy assessment and treatment

Photographs and videos are occasionally taken to provide further information to help develop your therapy plan. These will be uploaded and password protected. Consent will be gained before this is
carried out. 

I may use the information collected to:
Keep my records up to date
Produce reports and updates relating to your therapy input
Share information with relevant people and organisations
Make referrals to other therapists
Liaise with other professionals involved in your care
Liaise with organisations and charities that may be of assistance
Arrange agreed visits with company representatives for products that may help with your therapy programme
Liaise with other named contacts.
You have a right at any time to request a copy of the personal data I hold for you. I will deal with any request within 30 working days.
I take all reasonable measures to ensure your privacy is protected. I am committed to safe handling
and storage of personal information.
My systems are GDPR compliant.
Electronic documents are password protected
This Policy, forms part of, and should be read in conjunction with my Terms and Conditions.

Procedures for face to face appointments to minimise Covid - 19 transmission, disease transmission and ensure patient safety

You will be met in a place which minimises the need for you to pass other people. Risk assessments have been conducted in line with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Health Professionals Council, Public Health England and Government recommendations. See the following for frameworks which underpin my clinical practice.

Please read the below, which informs you of my procedures.

Please alert me if you believe you may have Covid 19. There will be no cancellation fee if you believe you may be at risk of passing on Covid 19.   

If a patient is covid-19 positive or they suspect they are positive (in the absence of a test), the patient should wait at least 5 days before attending the clinic for a face-to-face appointment.

  • Patients can decide themselves as to whether they wear a mask or not during their physiotherapy appointment.

  • Anyone who enters the clinic should wash their hands / use sanitizer.

Guidelines for the physiotherapist:

  • The physiotherapist will not attend the clinic / carry out any face-to-face consultations if she is covid-19 positive.

  • The physiotherapist will risk assess the need for PPE at the appointment. She will consider the use of non-latex gloves, IIR facemask, visor, apron as deemed appropriate.

PPE Waste Management:

  • As per guidelines, all PPE waste will be disposed of in a normal black bin bag.

  • This will be double bagged and left for 72 hours before disposal in normal waste.

Cleaning & Infection Control:

  • A thorough clean will be carried out after each patient and at the end of each working day.

  • All equipment is cleaned and disinfected between patients. All PPE, patient mask and plastic bag will be disposed of in accordance with CSP/Physio First guidelines. The facility is cleaned regularly in accordance with government guidance. 

Payments, Information security policy

Payments can be made online via BACS, in cash, via cheque or electronically using a payment terminal. Policies for payments and relevant information security are in accordance with financial institution requirements. These policies are available on request via


I can confirm that I am hold a Data Protection Registration Certificate from the Information Commissioner's Office and am certified as compliant with the  Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). I comply with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's Professional Code.