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Knee pain in growing girls - what you need to know

  • Online Event London London (map)

This Masterclass will be presented by Claire Callaghan, Chartered Physiotherapist..

This is a live and recorded event. All who register will receive the recording.

If you have an adolescent daughter who is struggling with knee pain, or are coaching or treating girls with this problem, you know how debilitating it can be, and how tough they find time away from sport and social activities involving moving around. The old fashioned advice was to wait to 'grow out of it.' We now know there’s so much we can do to help manage pain and keep them active and happy.

There are important differences in managing girls with this issue too, and knowing these is vital to helping girls get better.

The session will cover

  • What we know about adolescent knee pain, especially at the front of the knee

  • Osgood Schlatters, Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome and other possibilities

  • Why it's different for girls - unique considerations and solutions

  • Which exercises help

  • How to self treat

  • What taping techniques are best and why

  • What not to do

  • 5 quick wins for knee pain in growing girls

  • Q and A

All who register will receive an E booklet to keep from the session, including a pictorial exercise guide and top tips.

Presented online, this event is recorded. Join live and ask questions or catch up in your own time.

This session is aimed at members of the public. Health and exercise professionals are very welcome to attend and the e booklet will contain relevant journal references. CPD certificate available on request.

Please note this session does not replace 1:1 assessment and treatment from a health care professional.


28 June

Move, Nourish, Thrive - Recording and Guides